Discount Pass
By the carrier:
Any change to the program leading to an increase in flight frequency is to the benefit of the passenger. Under no circumstances will the reduction of flight frequency, temporary or permanent, entitle the passholder to any card refund.
By the passenger:
Eight days notice will be required for any modification to the contract. Contract modifications will only be allowed in case of an upgrade to a higher value contract. The residual value of the initial contract will be calculated on a pro-rata basis according to the number of months used and the difference will be offset against the value of the new contract. A month is considered "used" as soon as it has begun. In any case other than the one above, any contract modification will lead to the termination of the contract as described in the paragraph "Termination of the contract".
By the carrier: Any termination of a Discount Pass entitles the passholder to a refund* based on the residual value of the card as calculated on a pro-rata basis of the months used. A month is considered "used" as soon as it has begun. By the passholder or purchaser of a 1-year membership : See “Right of withdrawal” section
* Euro-issued Cards can only be refunded in Euros and Blue Credits-issued Cards can only be refunded in Blue Credits.
Your Discount Pass is eligible for the right of withdrawal if it was purchased remotely (online or by phone).
Per applicable legal provisions, you have 14 calendar days from the date you receive your pass (corresponding to its issuance date) to exercise your right of withdrawal. This right can be exercised without providing a reason or incurring penalties, except for any applicable issuance fees*.
If you would like to exercise your right of withdrawal and have already purchased reduced-fare tickets (not yet used) with the pass, you must first cancel all relevant bookings, subject to the applicable cancellation conditions for the tickets.
If you have already used a reduced-fare ticket purchased with the pass, using the ticket constitutes a waiver of your right of withdrawal.
* Euro-issued Cards can only be refunded in Euros and Blue Credits-issued Cards can only be refunded in Blue Credits.
Discount Pass holders will be automatically signed up for the AIR FRANCE KLM fidelity program if they are not already members. If you do not wish to enrol, simply check the box on the back of the form. The Flying Blue program terms and conditions are available by request from Air France. Initial purchase of a Discount Pass earns 2,500 bonus Miles and 20 XP (Experience Points). Renewal of the card within 90 days after the end of validity earns 5,000 bonus Miles and 20 XP. The Miles and XP (Experience Points) for intial purchase and renewal are credited on the Flying Blue account of the cardholder as of the Discount Pass’ start of validity (visible on the account from 14 days after starting date).
Responsibility of the treatment and commitment from Air France The data collected from the cardholder of the Discount Pass (below personal data) are collected by Air France, whose head office is located 45, rue de Paris 95747 Roissy CDG Cedex, as responsible of treatment, in compliance with applicable regulations on personal data protection and especially with the provisions of the data protection act of January 6th, 1978 modified by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679) or GDPR. Purposes and legal basis Personal Data are collected and treated in compliance with the Air France privacy policy for purposes linked to Air France Discount Pass management. More particularly, it is used for subscription and cards management, relationship management with the cardholder, to send necessary information for card use and also claim management. Moreover, personal data are used to send communications for commercial prospecting purposes on prior consent basis. The legal basis of the treatment is the execution of the subscription contract of the Air France Discount pass. Data collected All the personal data and suffixed by an asterisk (*) are necessary to subscribe to the Air France Discount pass. Without the collection of this data, the subscription to a discount pass will not be possible. Recipients Personal data can be used and exchanged by Air France with subcontractors especially to ensure the management of operations linked to the discount passes. These data can be communicated to the card subscriber, cardholder or not, for global or individual statistics as part of a commercial agreement with the company of the cardholder. Transfers outside EU Some subcontractors are susceptible to be established outside of European Economic Area and in a country where the European Commission does not consider protection as adequate. These transfers are realized in compliancy with applicable laws and regulations, especially by case-by-case signature of contractual clauses on European Commission model, or any other GDPR compliant mechanism. Conservation period Personal data are conserved during the card life and afterwards according to modalities describes in Air France privacy policy. Rights The cardholder concerned by aforementioned treatment operations can exercise his/her rights to access, correct, remove, oppose, and limit treatment and data portability concerning him/her under provided conditions by applicable law about personal data. He/She can also remove the consent to communications sent and promotional offers by Air France at any time. Furthermore, the cardholder has rights to define guidelines related to conservation, erasure and communication of his/her personal data after death treated by Air France. About the present treatment, these rights are exercised by mail to AIR FRANCE - JH.FJ - 76 rue du Capitaine Dreyfus CS 90012 - 93102 Montreuil CEDEX, enclosing an ID copy.